I really hope that we don't do much of anything...I'm looking forward to sleeping late! Wait, that won't happen with Will going hunting, and Parker staying with me. Maybe I can keep him up later so he will sleep later. I better work out a plan. I also hope to address and print my Christmas cards...I really love this time of year. Only, it really doesn't feel like Christmas to me. We have two houses and this point, and our tree is decorated at the house we are not living in. So, I kinda feel like we aren't celebrating Christmas. I also plan to bake some cookies with Parker, this might be disastrous, guess we will see. Thanks to all of you who said a prayer for dad, he is now home and doing well! Hope you all have a restful weekend...I hope I do!
*We might move a few of our things to the new house, guess we will see how involved Will gets with hunting this weekend!